YDDO Maritime company is based on the main franchise of i-ais Klas B Marmara Region produced by İdeal Teknoloji. YDDO Maritime Limited Company, which is the General Manager of Captain Kutlay Ünlü, has received the Istanbul / Çanakkale and its Majors Master Certificate of Automatic Identification System (i-AIS Clas B CS) which is obliged to vessels produced by İdeal Teknoloji. Captain Kutlay Ünlü explains to Deniz Haber Ajansı that Captain Kutlay Ünlü has a superiority over AIS Class-A in international standards, (search and rescue help) keys, as well as many other additional features.Kapt who answered our questions. Kutlay ÜNLÜ The issue in the Turkish Straits Zone covered by the AIS Class B CS device enforced on September 11, 2007 by the Ministry of Transport has been proven to be a necessity by January 1, 2008 and will help the Administration with all kinds of inconveniences threatening the maritime industry. He added that about 5,000 technicians in our waters in their own territory would be equipped with Ais Class B equipment with a three year transition period and targeting 80% of the market as dealers. Company partner Sinan Apaydin stated that it would be easy to reach their targets because they were well known as company and name in the dealerships in Çanakkale / Istanbul / North Marmara and North Aegean. Under normal conditions, the installation and installation lasted for about 2 hours, the device became active after installation, and there may be problems with the installation of the subject only in the next 25 days. Captain Kutlay Ünlü stated that the domestic production Automatic Identification System is based on the main franchise of Istanbul / Çanakkale and its surroundings and stated that they are producing the product, promotion, sales, installation and technical service of the company. For the specifications of the device and all kinds of procurement conditions, direct YDDO company can be reached from www.yddodenizcilik.com web pages. As it is known, the Ministry of Transport and Undersecretariat of Maritime for the Automatic Identification System was called to Turkish companies, Ideal Technology produced the AIS device in July of 2006.Domestic serial production was applied to the Undersecretariat of Maritime Affairs of the Prime Ministry by obtaining the International Compliance Certificate for the domestic AIS device in İdeal Teknoloji last October. As a result of tests conducted by Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Maritime Authority (ITU), on December 4, 2007, Certificate of Conformity to Ideal Technology was given.